速報APP / 音樂與音效 / Avantis MixPad

Avantis MixPad


檔案大小:5 MB

版本需求:系統需求:iOS 12.1 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPad。


Avantis MixPad(圖1)-速報App

Avantis MixPad is an engineer’s mixing tool providing wireless mobile control for Allen & Heath Avantis digital mixers. It gives you the freedom to walk the room or stage and control the sound right where it is needed. Avantis MixPad and the Avantis mixer can work together to provide simultaneous control of independent functions, for example one engineer using the mixer to mix front-of-house sound, and another using the iPad to mix monitors on stage. Several iPads can be connected, each providing independent control.

Avantis MixPad is intended for working with the live mix and channel processing. Things you can control:

- Fader levels, mutes, pan

- Aux and FX sends, routing and Pre/Post switching

- FX Tap Tempo, Global Tap Tempo

- Matrix sends, routing and Pre/Post switching

- SoftKeys

Avantis MixPad(圖2)-速報App

- DCA masters and assignments

- Preamp Gain, Pad and 48V

- Trim and Polarity

- HPF, Gate, PEQ, GEQ, Comp, Delays

- RTA function

- Channel names and colour

- PAFL select

Avantis MixPad(圖3)-速報App

- Full signal metering

- Custom strips for personalised channel layout

Avantis MixPad is not intended for system setup or memory access. The following functions are not available at the iPad:

- FX parameter control

- Input source, insert and output patchbay

- Channel ganging

- Aux source routing options

Avantis MixPad(圖4)-速報App

- Library, Scene and Show memory store and recall

- Scene Recall Filters and Safes edit

- Signal Generator

- Talkback

- System configuration, options and preferences

- User Profile management and permissions


Avantis MixPad(圖5)-速報App

An Allen & Heath Avantis mixer system running V1.02 or higher version firmware, with a suitable wireless router or access point connected to one of its Network ports. The Avantis mixer firmware and MixPad maintenance version number do not need to be identical, for example MixPad V1.00 would run with Avantis firmware V1.03. Refer to the Allen & Heath website for more information and to download the latest system firmware.

Avantis MixPad(圖6)-速報App